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Image Rights + Reproductions

Part of The Wolfsonian's mission is to help and encourage you to make use of our collection images and metadata. Reproductions of works from the Wolfsonian collection can be licensed for personal, scholarly, or commercial purposes.

Digitization + Image Request Form

This form applies to both object images and the digitization of library materials. Upon receiving your Digitization + Image Request Form, we will review it and provide further information regarding any associated fees. Please allow up to 3 weeks for us to process your request.

For object viewing requests, please contact


  • Can I use/reproduce images from The Wolfsonian?

    Yes! We encourage use of our images, but please help us respect artists' rights by following a few basic guidelines: when you use an image (on or offline), it's your responsibility to ensure that the use does not violate any third-party's rights.

  • How do I know if there are any existing copyright holders for an image?

    If an item is not clearly in the public domain, then it may have existing copyright holders. Sometimes—often in the case of older items or items with origins that aren't well documented—it can be difficult to locate rights-holders, or even determine if there are any. We are constantly striving to research our entire collection with the goal of providing clear documentation when possible.

  • Do I need to have permission from the copyright holder in order to use the image?

    Maybe not! You must seek permission from the copyright owner for uses that are not covered by fair use or other provisions of the U. S. Copyright Act of 1976.

  • What is fair use?

    Images on this site and in our digital image catalog may be used for research, instruction, private study, and some other uses under the provisions of fair use. Fair use is a provision of U.S. Copyright Law (United States Code, Title 17, section 107) which allows limited use of copyrighted materials under certain conditions. Factors to be considered for whether a particular use falls under fair use include: the purpose or character of the use; the nature of the copyrighted work; the amount and substantiality of the work being used; and the effect of the use on the market for and value of the original. Under fair use, you may view, print, photocopy, and download images from Wolfsonian sites without prior permission, provided that you include proper attribution of the source on all copies. There are several good sources of information about copyright and fair use on the web; we like the Copyright Advisory Office of Columbia University.

  • How do I provide proper attribution?

    You must cite the author/artist, if applicable, and the source of the material as you would for any printed work; the citation must include the name of the museum and the URL of the image from the website. When you request high-resolution images from us, we will always send you a caption with all of the correct attribution information.

  • I am/represent a copyright owner for something in your collection; where do I go with questions?

    If you are a copyright owner and have an inquiry about or issue with material on this website, please consult the Florida International University DMCA Notice for policy and contact information.

  • If I order a high-resolution copy of an image, how soon will I receive it?

    It depends. If we already have high-resolution photography of the item, then it shouldn't take more than 10 business days (we have limited staff and must verify the data we have about the work in order to provide a correct attribution and caption). If new photography is required, the time may vary depending on the quantity of work in the photography queue. Occasionally, items may be temporarily inaccessible due to storage or conservation issues; if this turns out to be the case, we will not be able to provide the image.

  • I have a deadline—can you rush my order?

    We have a limited amount of staff time to devote to orders. If your order requires new photography or other complications exist involving the movement of the object, the order may take several weeks or even months to fulfill. We may be able to accommodate rush requests, but will insist upon a negotiated fee to cover the extra staff time.

  • Do you charge a fee?

    No, unless you are making the request for commercial use. If the use is for small-run academic or non-profit publishing or for private or research needs, we will not charge you any fees.

  • How much is the fee for commercial use?

    For the provision of an image for commercial use, we charge a fee of $100, plus an additional $200 if new photography is called for. We charge $300 for a license providing permission to re-use our image file. In all cases, acquiring an image from us doesn't imply copyright permission to the original item.